Sparkling Clean: The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Your Keurig with Vinegar

How To Clean A Keurig With Vinegar

Gather Supplies:

To start the cleaning process for your Keurig, you will need a few essential supplies on hand. These include white vinegar, known for its natural cleaning properties, water for dilution, a mug to collect the solution during cleaning, and a microfiber cloth for wiping down the machine. Having these items ready will ensure a smooth and effective cleaning routine for your Keurig coffee maker.

White vinegar

White vinegar is a versatile and effective cleaning agent for your Keurig. Its acidic nature helps to break down mineral deposits and remove bacteria. When mixed with water, white vinegar creates a powerful solution that can effectively clean the internal components of your machine. It is important to use white vinegar specifically, as other types may leave residue or unwanted flavors in your coffee. Make sure to have a bottle of white vinegar on hand before you begin the cleaning process for your Keurig.


To clean the water reservoir of your Keurig, start by filling it halfway with white vinegar and then topping it off with water. Let this solution sit in the reservoir for about 30 minutes to break down any mineral deposits or bacteria. After the soaking time is up, thoroughly rinse out the reservoir with clean water to remove any remaining vinegar smell or taste. This step is crucial in ensuring that your Keurig brews fresh and flavorful coffee every time.


To clean the mug, start by filling it with a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. Let it sit for about 30 minutes to loosen any coffee stains or residue. After soaking, use a microfiber cloth to scrub the inside of the mug thoroughly. Rinse the mug with warm water to remove any remaining vinegar solution. For stubborn stains, you can also sprinkle baking soda inside the mug and scrub gently with a damp cloth. This method will leave your mug sparkling clean and ready for your next delicious cup of coffee from your Keurig!

Microfiber cloth

When it comes to cleaning your Keurig, using a microfiber cloth is essential for achieving a sparkling clean finish. Microfiber cloths are highly effective at picking up dirt, grime, and residue without leaving lint or streaks behind. Their fine fibers are able to trap and remove particles with ease, making them ideal for wiping down surfaces without the need for harsh chemicals. Simply dampen the microfiber cloth with water or a vinegar solution to gently clean the exterior of your Keurig without causing any damage. Remember to wash the microfiber cloth regularly to maintain its effectiveness in keeping your Keurig looking pristine.

Unplug and Disassemble:

To properly clean your Keurig, start by turning off and unplugging the machine. Next, remove the water reservoir and lid, ensuring they are empty. Take out the mug stand and K-cup holder for thorough cleaning. This step is crucial to access all areas that may have accumulated dirt or residue. By disassembling these components, you can effectively clean each part of your Keurig to maintain its performance and extend its lifespan.

Turn off and unplug the Keurig

Before beginning the cleaning process, it is crucial to ensure the safety of the appliance. Start by turning off and unplugging your Keurig from the power source. This step is essential to prevent any electrical mishaps while handling the machine. Safety should always be a top priority when working with any electronic device, so make sure to follow this precaution before proceeding with disassembly and cleaning.

Remove water reservoir and lid

To start cleaning your Keurig, the first step is to unplug the machine and remove the water reservoir and lid. This can usually be done by simply lifting them off the top of the Keurig. The water reservoir is where you pour water for brewing, and the lid covers it to prevent any dust or debris from getting inside. By taking these components off, you'll have better access to clean both the exterior and interior of your Keurig effectively.

Take out the mug stand and K-cup holder

To continue the cleaning process of your Keurig, it's essential to remove the mug stand and K-cup holder. These components can accumulate coffee residue and bacteria over time, affecting the quality of your brews. By taking them out, you'll have better access to clean all parts thoroughly. Simply lift out the mug stand and detach the K-cup holder by gently pressing on the release buttons located on each side. Once removed, these pieces can be cleaned separately using a vinegar solution to ensure a sparkling clean Keurig machine.

Clean Exterior:

To maintain the sleek appearance of your Keurig, start by wiping down the exterior with a damp cloth to remove any dust or dirt. For tougher stains, create a solution using equal parts white vinegar and water. Dip a microfiber cloth into the solution and gently scrub the affected areas. The acidity of the vinegar helps break down grime and residue without damaging the surface of your machine. Remember to wipe dry with a clean cloth to prevent water spots and streaks for a sparkling clean finish.

Wipe down the exterior with a damp cloth

To clean the exterior of your Keurig, start by unplugging the machine. Dampen a microfiber cloth with water and gently wipe down the outside of the Keurig to remove any dust or dirt. For tougher stains, you can mix equal parts white vinegar and water to create a cleaning solution. Use this solution sparingly on stubborn spots, making sure not to saturate the machine. Wipe the exterior thoroughly with the damp cloth until it is sparkling clean. This step will help maintain the overall appearance of your Keurig and ensure that it remains in top condition for brewing delicious coffee.

Use vinegar solution for tough stains

For tough stains on the exterior of your Keurig, a vinegar solution can work wonders. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on the stained areas and let it sit for a few minutes to break down the grime. Then, use a microfiber cloth to gently scrub the stains away. The acidity of the vinegar helps dissolve stubborn residue, leaving your Keurig sparkling clean. Remember to wipe down with a damp cloth afterward to remove any vinegar residue.

Clean Water Reservoir:

To clean the water reservoir of your Keurig, start by filling it halfway with white vinegar. Then, top it off with water to dilute the vinegar. Let the solution sit in the reservoir for about 30 minutes to break down any mineral deposits or bacteria. After soaking, thoroughly rinse the reservoir with water to remove all traces of vinegar. This step helps ensure that your Keurig brews fresh and clean coffee every time.

Fill reservoir halfway with vinegar

To clean your Keurig effectively, start by filling the water reservoir halfway with white vinegar. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant that helps break down mineral deposits and bacteria in your machine. The acidity of vinegar also works to remove any lingering coffee oils or residue. Once you have added the vinegar, fill the rest of the reservoir with water to dilute it. This solution will effectively clean the internal components of your Keurig and leave it sparkling clean for your next brew.

Fill the rest with water

After filling the water reservoir halfway with white vinegar, it's time to top it off with water. Make sure to use clean, fresh water to dilute the vinegar solution. The water will help in further breaking down any mineral deposits or residue inside the Keurig machine. This step is crucial for ensuring that all parts of the Keurig are thoroughly cleaned and free from any buildup. Once the reservoir is filled with water, allow the solution to sit for about 30 minutes before proceeding with rinsing the machine.

Let sit for 30 minutes

After filling the water reservoir halfway with white vinegar and the rest with water, let the solution sit for 30 minutes. This allows the vinegar to break down any mineral deposits or bacteria that may be lingering inside the reservoir. The acetic acid in vinegar is a natural cleaner and disinfectant, making it an effective solution for removing buildup and ensuring your Keurig brews clean and fresh coffee every time.

Rinse thoroughly

After letting the vinegar and water solution sit in the Keurig's water reservoir for 30 minutes, it is crucial to thoroughly rinse the reservoir before reassembling the machine. Rinse the reservoir multiple times with fresh water until there is no trace of vinegar smell or taste left behind. This step is essential to ensure that your next cup of coffee or tea brewed in the Keurig does not have any residual vinegar flavor. Proper rinsing also helps to remove any loosened debris or mineral buildup from inside the reservoir, maintaining the quality and taste of your beverages.

Clean Internal Components:

To clean the internal components of your Keurig, start by running a brew cycle with the vinegar solution. This will help break down any mineral deposits or bacteria inside the machine. After the cycle is complete, run another brew cycle with just water to rinse out any remaining vinegar. If there is still buildup present, use a microfiber cloth to gently wipe away the residue. This process will ensure that your Keurig is thoroughly cleaned and ready for use.

Run a brew cycle with vinegar solution

To run a brew cycle with vinegar solution, first, ensure the water reservoir is filled halfway with white vinegar and then topped up with water. Place a mug on the drip tray to catch the solution. Power on the Keurig and select the largest cup size for brewing. Once the cycle is complete, discard the contents in the mug. Repeat this process using only water to rinse out any remaining vinegar residue. This step helps clean out internal components and remove any buildup effectively.

Repeat with water to rinse

After running a brew cycle with the vinegar solution to clean the internal components of your Keurig, it's essential to repeat the process with just water to thoroughly rinse out any remaining vinegar residue. This step helps ensure that your next cup of coffee won't have any lingering vinegar taste. Simply fill the water reservoir with fresh water and run multiple brew cycles until the water runs clear. This final rinse is crucial in maintaining the quality and taste of your brewed beverages.

Remove any remaining buildup with a cloth

After running a brew cycle with the vinegar solution and rinsing with water, there may still be some remaining buildup in your Keurig. To tackle this, take a damp microfiber cloth and gently wipe the internal components such as the needle that punctures the K-cups and the inside of the machine where coffee passes through. Be sure to be thorough but gentle to avoid damaging any parts. This step will help ensure that your Keurig is sparkling clean and free from any lingering residue that could affect the taste of your coffee.

Reassemble and Rinse:

After cleaning the internal components, it's time to reassemble your Keurig. Put back the water reservoir, lid, mug stand, and K-cup holder. Make sure everything is securely in place before plugging the machine back in. To rinse out any remaining vinegar residue, run a few brewing cycles with just water. This will ensure that your next cup of coffee tastes fresh and free from any lingering vinegar flavor. Remember, proper reassembly and rinsing are crucial steps to maintain a sparkling clean Keurig for delicious brews every time.

Put components back together

After cleaning the internal components of your Keurig, it's time to put everything back together. Start by reattaching the water reservoir and lid securely in place. Next, insert the mug stand and K-cup holder back into their respective slots. Make sure everything fits snugly to avoid any leaks or malfunctions during brewing. Once all components are reassembled, run a few cycles with just water to ensure that any remaining vinegar taste is completely flushed out. Your Keurig is now sparkling clean and ready to brew your favorite beverages with a fresh taste!

Run a few cycles with water to remove any vinegar taste

After cleaning the internal components of your Keurig with vinegar solution, it's essential to remove any lingering vinegar taste. To do this, reassemble the machine and run a few brewing cycles with just water. This will help flush out any remaining vinegar residue from the system. Once you no longer detect any vinegar taste in your brewed coffee, your Keurig is ready to use again for a fresh and flavorful cup every time.

Maintenance Tips:

To keep your Keurig in top condition, it's essential to follow a few simple maintenance tips. Firstly, make sure to clean your Keurig at least once a month to prevent any clogs or bacteria buildup. Using filtered water for brewing can also help maintain the internal components and improve the taste of your coffee. Additionally, descaling your Keurig regularly is crucial to prevent mineral deposits from affecting the machine's performance. By incorporating these maintenance practices into your routine, you can ensure that your Keurig continues to brew delicious coffee with every cup.

Clean Keurig monthly

To ensure your Keurig continues to function optimally, it is recommended to clean it monthly. Regular cleaning helps prevent the buildup of coffee residue and mineral deposits that can affect the taste of your brew. Additionally, a clean machine will also prolong the life of your Keurig. By following the steps outlined in this guide and incorporating monthly cleaning into your routine, you can enjoy consistently delicious coffee every time you brew.

Use filtered water for brewing

Using filtered water for brewing in your Keurig is essential for maintaining the quality and longevity of your machine. Tap water often contains minerals and impurities that can build up inside the Keurig, affecting its performance and taste of your coffee. Filtered water helps prevent mineral deposits and ensures a cleaner brew with optimal flavor. Investing in a water filter or using bottled filtered water can make a significant difference in the overall maintenance and efficiency of your Keurig machine.

Descale regularly to prevent mineral buildup

Descaling your Keurig regularly is crucial to prevent mineral buildup in the machine. Over time, minerals from water can accumulate and clog the internal components, affecting the taste of your coffee and the efficiency of the brewer. To descale, use a descaling solution recommended by Keurig or a mixture of vinegar and water. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for descaling frequency, usually every 3 to 6 months depending on usage and water hardness. Regular descaling will help maintain your Keurig's performance and ensure a delicious cup of coffee every time.